Gravity Forms API App #1: Flight Tracker Data Integration

Are you looking for a Gravity Forms developer to build a Gravity Forms app that integrates with a flight tracker API to display real-time flight data in WP?

👉 Read the following case study, use the demo Gravity Form below and then, simply – save time and hassle: request the solution for use on your WordPress site with a valid *Gravity Forms license.

(CHALLENGE) Case Study:

(RESOLVED) Custom Gravity Forms Integration To Enable Real-Time Search For Flight Data Via Aviationstack API

Gravity Form Use-Case

Commercial use-case value of this Gravity Form flight-data travel app:

“The travel app industry had a market size of over $600 billion in 2023, a 13% increase on the previous year.” – Business of Apps

What the Gravity Form does & its user flow:

  1. An OTA (online travel agency) has built an app on their WordPress website that allows online customers to search real-time for landed flights at specific airports via a user-friendly Gravity Forms interface.
  2. A customer clicks on the dropdown box within the Gravity Form to indicate their chosen airport.
  3. The customer then clicks the Gravity Forms submit button.
    • Gravity Forms GET API requests the real-time airport name selection for ‘landed flights’ only to the Aviationstack API
    • Aviationstack API POST API sends the real-time data ‘landed flights only’, as filtered according to the user’s airline selection in Gravity Forms dropdown
    • Gravity Forms API picks up the POST data from the Aviationstack API
  4. The form confirmation displays the real-time flight data to the customer
    • Gravity Forms displays the confirmation message on submission which contains the requested Aviationstack data in JSON
    • A PHP plugin converts the JSON data into HTML format
    • A custom CSS snippet applies styling to the HTML output

Gravity Form Demo

(Give it a whirl – this really works…)

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