Gravity Forms Data Objects
- objects or arrays that are used across all Gravity Forms APIs.
- contain core Gravity Forms information
- Example:
- form configuration
- form submission data
- Entry Object
- contains ALL properties of a particular entry
- Example:
- date created,
- client IP
- submitted field values.
- Form Object
- contains ALL properties of a particular form
- Example:
- form title
- fields
- notification
- confirmation.
- available to most of the Gravity Forms hooks
- contains the following sub-objects that control different aspects of the form confirmation
- Field Object
- contains ALL settings for a particular field
- part of the Form object
- can be manipulated to dynamically change the way the field is displayed
- Notifications Object
- an associative array containing ALL configured notifications for a particular form.
- Confirmations Object
- an associative array containing ALL configured confirmations for a particular form.
- Conditional Logic Object
- when applied to:
- form
- page button, or;
- any field…
- …(a) controls the visibility of that element based on:
- a choice selected
- value entered
- …by the user in other fields on the form.
- …(b) also be used to determine if a:
- notification,
- confirmation, or;
- add-on feed
- Button Object
- contains the settings configured for the form button
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